• 媒体推广的价值,如何有效媒体投放?

    企业做广告得找媒介投放(海讯社haixunpr.com)。然而,该找什么样的媒介发挥更大的效用,却有很大的学问。一般来讲,企业选择媒介做广告,要结合当前与长远的发展战略目标做出决定。比如新产品上市时,为了吸引 社会关注和打动经销商,就要考虑选择主流的财经媒介。如果要拉动终端销售,则应考虑选择目标市场的大众媒介,比如当地强势的电视、报纸。在确定了选哪种媒介这个大方向后,要对同一类型的所有媒体进行评估,具体参考指标有:发行量、受众总量、有效受众、受众特征、媒介本身的地域特征、广告的单位成本、广告的时段等等。这里着重有效受众、广告的单位成本和广告时段进行分析。

    06-19 海讯社
  • Application of CYCJET inkjet printer in the seasoning industry

    China is a country that attaches great importance to food. The Chinese food culture has a long history. The industrious and intelligent Chinese children have developed a unique traditional Chinese food culture based on local conditions and learning from others. As an essential ingredient in daily cooking, condiments occupy a very important position in China's food culture. Condiments are also esse

  • 《Auto Chess goes viral across the world, who knows it comes from Drodo Studio , a team from China with only 5 people?

    Recently, Auto Chess, which is based on DOTA2, has gone viral all over the world. It quickly became the first sensational game of 2019. In only ten days Auto Chess has attracted 100,000 players. As of now there are already 6.8 million subscribers on Steam, with peaks of over 400,000 players online. More than 3.09 million players have given positive reviews, which exceeds DOTA2 over the same peri

    06-19 海讯社
  • 广交会誉辉陶瓷斩获颇丰,外贸迅猛发展


  • Hytera Launches P-LTE MCS Solution at MWC Barcelona 2019

    (Barcelona, Spain – February 25, 2019) Hytera Communications Corporation Limited (Hytera), a leading global provider of innovative Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) communications solutions, is unveiling today its P-LTE Mission Critical Services (MCS) solution at the Mobile World Conference 2019 (MWC 2019) held in Barcelona, Spain.

  • 纽约时代广场纳斯达克屏、路透屏的投放价值如何体现?


    06-19 海讯社
  • 软文发布的特点有哪些?

    无论是简单的付费文字广告,还是具有深厚原创功力的各类文章,软文发布【海讯社haixunpr.com】都与传统营销中所使用的文案、广告有很大不同,具备多种特点。 一、主题集中。软文主旨不是零碎的,而是有完整主题的。即使再短的软文,也应提供独特而专一的主题。文案、广告可以是一个简单的口号,如"以取暖器为您带来春天般感受'而软文则可以围绕该取暖器的使用过程,打造出一个XX取暖器为某人带来春天般温暖的故事。

    06-19 海讯社
  • 誉辉陶瓷斩获三大奖项,助阵2019陶博会


  • 艾顿公学书摘丨鼓励孩子独立的九种方法 9 Ways to Encourage Independence


    06-19 海讯社
  • Film and foil on inkjet printer solutions

    Low density polyethylene (LDPE) and flexible metalized films are widely used in confectionery and savory snack packaging. Soft packaging materials can be seen as the main carrier of modern product packaging. How to achieve perfect and clear marking on soft packaging film and aluminum foil is a problem that the marking industry needs to consider at the beginning of the development of the marking sc

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